Email Subject Lines

Your email subject lines decide whether or not the recipient will open your email or not. Give a preview so they know what to expect, so I treat my subject line like a movie teaser.

I’m sharing what I’ve learned about how you can correctly increase your email open rate by optimizing your email subject lines.

Keep your subject lines under five words.

This is so simple and tactical, but the data shows that subject lines get longer, the open rate goes down. That doesn’t mean to have necessarily just one word in your subject line, but you want to keep in that three-five word category.

Because that’s where people are most likely to be able to give a quick look, quick glance and decide are they going to open it or not.

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A/b split test subject lines.

Email marketing is all about A/B testing, and not many people do that, so A/B testing literally means that if you are sending out a lot of emails over the course of the day, week, months, whatever it is, and you’re usually mainly sending the same subject lines, and now there are a lot of tools like yesware that you can use to understand the what’s the open rate of your emails and then split test one subject line vs. another.

Because at the end of the day, we never know which subject lines will be the most effective until we test them. You can use like five different subject lines to test and see which one gets the most open rate, and you get your winner.

The subject line is where it all starts! So pay more attention to it.

Bonus tip for shooting up your open rate – Send emails at either 7 am or 8 pm; why?

Most people are sending emails at 9 am – 11 am or 1 pm – 4 pm, so this is when there’s the most competition for the people that you’re sending emails to, so if the competition is too much, your recipient most likely won’t open your email.

Most people open emails as soon they wake up in the morning ( I do that), and most wake up at around 6 or 7 clocks in the morning, so it’s actually is a perfect time.

And the other side, which is 8 PM, maybe the kids have just gone to bed, or people chilling out with a glass of wine in their hand, they’ve got a down moment, and they’re like yeah I’m going to check my email, and suddenly they see it and open it.

Test your email deliverability

There are ways to test the deliverability of your emails to make sure that they’re most likely to go through. There’s a website, and it’s free, call

Go to that website, and you simply send them a test email, and it’ll tell you, are there any issues in terms of the deliverability of your email because it would be messed up to spend all this time sending out emails to find out that your email deliverability is significantly less.

That’s it for now. I hope you like it.

Namaste  🙏

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email subject line screenshot


Yogi Solanki
Yogi Solanki is a domain consultant. Buying & Selling domains are his passion. He has helped many small-large businesses globally, upgrading their domain name for better online credibility and authority.

3 thoughts on “Email Subject Lines”

  1. Hello,
    please, when your book “Domain Outbound Marketing” is published in Spanish, please let me know so I can buy it.
    Thanks a lot.

    Luis Santana


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