Outbound – How to increase open and response rates.

Selling domains via outbound isn’t easy, and it’s time-consuming too fair to say outbound is not everyone’s cup of tea.

If you really focus on outbound to sell domains, you have to create a proper strategy and optimize that process through A/B testing.

If you have been using the same email templates and subject lines for a long time, I think it’s time to change them or optimize them to get a much better result.

Nowadays, email providers are using multiple filters, and they will mark your email spam if you are simply copy-pasting the same email templates repeatedly.

What is A/B testing?

A/B testing in cold email means testing two email templates/subject lines by running two separate campaigns and see which one performs better. You can also run three or more campaigns of your email templates, depending on how many versions you want to test.

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Now before you start doing A/B testing, you need to find out what your goals are like:

Are you looking to increase open rates or reply rates?

A/B test – Increase open rates

If you have lower open rates, it means you need to work on your subject line or delivery time; just keep it short and straightforward and don’t just stick to one timing to send your emails; try different time slots to see which one perform better.

Sharing few more metrics you can use to improve your open rates:

  • Personalize your subject line – Recipient’s name is the single most impactful word you can add to your subject line, increasing opens by over 14%.
  • End your subject line with a question (?)
  • Test both uppercase, lower case

A/B test – Increase reply rates

Based on my experience and I also researched how to increase reply rates, I found out that if your prospects are opening your email but not replying, I think it’s time to look at your CTA (Call To Action). CTA makes it clear to your recipients what the next step is. Run A/B tests to check which one results in more response rates.

Share something of value or ask for permission.

One of the best ways to engage with your prospects is sharing something valuable, and there are two ways to do it – ask for their permission or share it in your email.

  • Can I share some more information on how this (DomainName) can help your online presence?
  • Sharing some more information on how this domain can help your business, please let me know if this is of interest to you?

Ask for a specific day/time to book a call or ask what time works for the prospect.

Once you provided them the value, always try to book a call with them. Treat emails as a way to book a call with them because phone calls lead to more sales and higher conversion.

  • Are you available for a quick call on Friday at 2 PM EST?
  • Let me know when you are available for a quick call?

Email marketing is all about A/B testing. Keep on testing completely different email templates, subject lines, CTA against each other to see which one generates more open and response rates, and when you sync all these steps together, it will boost up your conversation rate.

Namaste 🙏

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email open rates, screenshot


Yogi Solanki
Yogi Solanki is a domain consultant. Buying & Selling domains are his passion. He has helped many small-large businesses globally, upgrading their domain name for better online credibility and authority.

2 thoughts on “Outbound – How to increase open and response rates.”

  1. Very valuable information as always Yogi…I’m personally finding a lot of trouble getting open rates andresponses.

    Yogi do you use mailshake or mailchimp.com?

    Do you find you’ll get a better open and response rate from actually contacting the individual companies website?

    Warm regards Michael.

  2. Want to learn all about domain selling, can you educate me as a teacher? on table sitting, Rady to pay for your teching / coaching,



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