Sales Tips For Beginners

What Is A Sale?

In simple words, A sale is an act of selling a product or a service. A sale is a process in which two people are involved, buyer and seller, so there’s a transaction going two ways. 

IMO sale is not always about selling and selling. I treat it like customer service, which means if you make your customers happy, they’ll do the business with you and come back to you again for more business if you provide them a good service or they even help you with some referrals.

Also, word-of-mouth marketing is one of the best ways to create a buzz about your business. I mean, it doesn’t get better than this when people talk about your brand, product, services to others.

In this blog post, I have shared a few tips that I’ve learned in my 10+ years of sales experience.

4 Sales Tips For Beginners

1. Know Inside Out About Your Product Or Service.

If you are selling and don’t know everything about your product or services, then your job as a salesman becomes even tougher to convince them to buy from you. Learn about the benefits, the output of what you are selling, and how it will help your buyers if they decide to have a conversation with you. IMO the focal point of your sale conversation should be more focused on explaining the benefits.

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If you are into selling domains, spend some time learning how the domain transfer works, how to push the domain to the same registrar, how to provide proof of ownership of the domain, what is 60 days domain transfer lock, etc. Savvy buyers might ask you these questions, so be prepared.

2. Always Follow up.

I’ve mentioned many times that real money is in follow-ups. The moment you stop doing follow-ups, your prospects will forget about you. It’s a busy world we live in, and we all get bombarded with cold emails cold calls, so people forget and move on, so as a salesperson, following up is a critical strategy to increase the conversion rate.

If you are worried that you’ll annoy your prospects if you follow up again, then I’m afraid selling is not your cup of tea. Looking at the data below, you’ll understand how important it is to be consistent with your follow-ups.

sales follow up graph

In general, the more interest you show in your potential prospects, the more they will be inclined towards you to start a conversation.

3. They Can’t Hurt You( Fear Of Rejection)

In many cases, we genuinely feel fear of rejection around being afraid of making a prospect angry. On a funny note, you’re not in a contact sport like rugby, where you can physically get hurt if you do something wrong.

In a game of sales, the risk is maybe your prospect hung up on you, or they’ll get annoyed with you, but the risk of them hitting you “physically” is next to impossible, and we have to keep that in mind.

So stay on top of your game; the worse can happen, they will say No.

4. Disqualify The Non-Payer

If a prospect is not a fit, we should get rid of them as soon as possible because in sales, what separates the top performers from everyone else is that they’re spending in many cases the majority of their time in front of well-qualified prospects.

Act smart and remove unfit buyers when you launch your sales campaign. If you’re selling a $50,000 – $100,000+ domain name, your potential buyers are not mom and pop shop owners because for them to spend this much money is a lot. So we got to get rid of all those people who will not be fit as quickly as possible to focus more on potential buyers.

Most importantly, don’t fear NO because in sales, every no brings you closer to the yes.

That’s it for now. I hope you like it, and do comment below to share your sales tips so we can learn from each other. Sharing is caring!


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4 sales tips for beginners


Yogi Solanki
Yogi Solanki is a domain consultant. Buying & Selling domains are his passion. He has helped many small-large businesses globally, upgrading their domain name for better online credibility and authority.

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