How You Can Sell A Domain Every Week

I have been continuously selling domains pretty much every week for the last 8-9 months by doing outreach. Selling domains every week/every month is not easy. It requires a proper strategy to get the desired output.

Let’s talk about how you can also sell a domain every week by doing outbound.

First thing first, you need a good domain no matter how good you are over the phone or how well crafted your email is; if the domain you selling does not bring value to your prospects, it won’t sell.

For example: if you own, your potential buyers should be either or Extra-Traffic.Com or those who use the inferior TLD.

Don’t do this – Reaching out to single or two-word domain owners and selling them 3-4 words names.

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Finding a quality name is tough, but if you put in some time and effort, I’m sure you can still find a few nuggets.

If you want constant sales, I would highly recommend you to start with your niche; having prior experience in any industry always helps. 

Now, I’m assuming you already have some domains, but you don’t know how to sell them every week; here’s what you can try.

Go through your domain portfolio, choose 10 top names, and put them in a separate excel sheet. Out of those ten chosen names, pick the two best domains by checking search volume, CPC, how many extensions are taken and developed.

Start doing outbound on your every two best domains for the next five days; why? Because it’s all about filling up your sales pipeline with potential prospects.

The more potential prospects you have better your STR (sale through rate) will be; sometimes, doing outbound can be a volume game, especially if you are looking to create a cash flow.

Don’t choose all of your ten domains in the same niche; it will be hard for you to find many potential prospects in the same industry.

And the ten domains you pick, each of them should have at least 50 potential prospects to sell your domain.

So, make sure you pick ten good domains in different niches. This strategy will also give you useful data to see which niche is getting the most response. 

And If any of your domains get sold, you can use that data to buy more domains in the same industry and keep repeating the process.

Domains that don’t get sold but received some interest from the buyers you can hold them.

And the names that didn’t get any response can probably give one more try; if it still doesn’t work, you can liquidate them on NameLiquidate or let them expire.

Importance of follow-ups

Real money is in follow-ups. You can rarely sell your domain in your very first email, it can happen, but chances are very slim.

Doing follow-ups is key to improving your conversion rate. In my opinion, you should do at least three follow-ups every 2-to 3 days, but if someone asks you to stop sending them emails, please honor the request and remove them from your list.

Always provide a clear and easy Opt-Out Option to your recipients.

I have tried this strategy of doing outbound at least two domains a day couple of times; sometimes, it works, sometimes it didn’t, but the important thing is data; by using this strategy, I was able to find out which domains are getting traction.

Doing outbound is all about A/B testing; you got to be on your toes all the time and keep trying a new approach to make it work.

That’s it for now; comment below and let me know your thoughts on this.

Outbound joke of the day:  After 5 follow-ups…🤣

sales joke image

Namaste 🙏

How you can sell a domain every week


Yogi Solanki
Yogi Solanki is a domain consultant. Buying & Selling domains are his passion. He has helped many small-large businesses globally, upgrading their domain name for better online credibility and authority.

2 thoughts on “How You Can Sell A Domain Every Week”

  1. Thanks again Yogi for the valuable info. Should you be doing follow up on a company that you never got an answer from?


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