If you sell domains through email, you probably ran into negative responses like not interested, stop bothering me, or go to hell.
Doing outbound means you will have to deal with rejection and negative replies from prospects; receiving a large volume of adverse reactions does not mean that you should stop outbound.
We all get bombarded with cold emails every day, and the more emails we get, the more we ignore them, which leads to an angry reaction.
IMO, negative replies are a sign that there is still something to improve in your outreach strategy. It is super hard not to get a negative response, but you can always reduce them down by following what I’m about to share.
Work On Your Email Copy
If you see “Can you please take my name OFF your list.”
“Stop spamming me!!!” coming your way. I think it is time to work on your email copy.
Maybe your first email was pushy, too long, or you were trying to sell your domain rather than starting a conversation with the prospect. Make sure your first email adds value to your prospects, and it should always be super personalized.
Don’t copy-paste the same email copy to all of your recipients
always make sure your message is catered to the recipient, whether that’s their name or company. It helps build a rapport and increases the likelihood of your email getting opened in the first place.
Research Your Prospect
Studies done by different marketing companies have found that if you research a prospect and provide value in your cold outreach, you are 11 times more likely to hear back from that prospect in the first touch.
And, if your email is well-formed, most prospects will read it even if it is from an unknown sender. This means, if you send a personalized cold email to the right person, chances are they are going to read it and reply positively.
Once you find your potential buyers for your domain name, you can divide them into different categories. A couple of months back, I wrote a blog post on how to divide your outbound strategy into different stages; make sure you check it out.
Now, if you own an exact match domain name with good search volume and high CPC, I believe the companies who are spending money in advertising on that particular keyword you own should be on your priority list.
Here’s why:
Domain example: LosAngelesAttorney.com this keyword “Los Angeles attorney ” has a monthly search volume of over 800 with CPC – up to $18.38 as per keyword surfer chrome extension.
You can start your outreach by targeting those law firms that are already spending money on advertising on this keyword.
They got the money, and they will understand the value of owning an exact match keyword, so they are most likely to respond positively.
You can also reach out to those using an inferior extension like LosAngelesAttorney.co, LosAngelesAttorney.net, or those using a three-word domain name.
Ensure your online presence is entirely professional; take care of your website, Linkedin profiles. Show that you are a professional and trustworthy person because it helps you reduce negative responses.
Keep moving forward
In the end, negative replies are part and parcel of outbound marketing. They will come, no matter what you do and regardless of whether you’re ready for them. The key is you should always bring value to your recipients.
Never ignore negative replies. Analyze them and use them to improve your outbound strategy.
Namaste 🙏
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