It’s been a crazy few months of non-stop work to get to the point I’m at today, and now I’m finally writing my first blog post about the first love: outbound.

My name is Yogi Solanki. I’m from India, I have an academic and professional background in sales and marketing, this is my first year in domaining, and a lot has happened since then.
Where it all began
In March 2020, when Covid19 started, my online leads generation business took a hit. I was looking for a new way to make money online.
I knew about the domain industry, and I read a few articles about big sales, which makes me wonder how the heck a domain name can get sold for $100-$Million. It was always in the back of my mind, but I never took it seriously.
But, I had no option, and I decided to give it a try. I started searching online on how to make money selling domains.
I did a search on Google and YouTube, but I couldn’t find any good content, and all I found was this

But I was persistent, and fortunately, I stumble upon the , DNAcademy youtube channel ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.
After watching a few helpful videos, I was somehow able to educate myself on how to find good names and prospects.
After a couple of days, I was able to flip a few domains, which gave me the belief to do this full time.
Now I’m a full-time domain investor, and I sell domains by outbound. Till now, I have made over $25,000+ in domain sales, and most of the sales are $299-$1000 range, and I haven’t completed my first year yet.
I have been featured regularly in multiple popular domain industry publications and podcasts.

I’ve also written an ebook, ,,Domain Outbound Marketing

The response I’ve received on this book is FANTASTIC. Thank you to every one of those who bought and liked the book .
What others have said about Domain Outbound Marketing
About this Blog
I decided to start this blog to exchange knowledge and insights about outbound marketing and, in general, domaining to help the community grow more. I feel that outbound is a topic that is not discussed much; there should be more discussion about it. is dedicated to all those who are hustling every day to make a sale. Initially, I’ll be posting weekly, but in between, if I find something useful to share, I won’t mind sharing that.
I was posting my sales and data on Twitter, but the Twitter character limit doesn’t allow to share more, So I thought, okay, why not start my blog, share more, and connect with more people.
In this blog, I’ll write about outbound marketing, selling domains is not easy, and if you don’t know how to do outreach properly, it can make your job more challenging to sell them.
I will also interview new and experienced domain experts to learn more about them.
I’ll share my sales data, tips, and tricks about outbound in this blog, helping you get better at outbound.
Outbound marketing requires a properly constructed approach; if you do it properly, you can sell domains and build a cash flow.
Cash Flow is one of the main reasons I only do outbound because I’m a full-time investor, and this is the only source of income I have, and just like in any other business, to survive and put food on the table, you need cash flow.
The best thing I like most about outbound is you don’t need to invest thousands of dollars in the beginning; you can start this with a low, upfront cost.
Let me give you my example:
When I started selling domains, my budget was only $200, and luckily, I was able to buy a domain for $194 in an auction; and I flipped that domain for $600 in just a couple of days, and that $194 helped me to achieve $25,000+ in domain sales.
If you are new, I would highly recommend starting slow, setting your budget, buying the right name from drops, or participating in auctions rather than spending that money on hand reg or made-up words and stick with .com’s only.
By the way, this blog is not meant to be focused entirely on outbound. In general, I will also share some news about the domain industry.
Before I wrap this up, Just a few days ago, I got a message on Twitter from a fellow domainer, and he asked me a question regarding this email subject line.
“Let’s Take a Look at this again.”
He was looking for the email template for this particular subject line. I told him that it depends on what the buyer had responded to, and the email body text changes while following up.
In my opinion If I have to use this subject line I’ll use this on those prospects who went to dark mode after knowing the price.
I won’t compose a new email, I’ll use the same email thread and change the subject line “Lets Take a Look at this again”
And this is how my email template will look like:
Hi (Name),
Last time we spoke you went to dark mode after knowing the price for this {DomainName)
The good news is I think now we are in a better position to help you acquire this {domainname}
Just say the word and I’ll explain you in my next email.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Regards (your name)
The reason behind sending this email is to make prospects curious and start a conversation again. It doesn’t always work, but it is worth giving another try.
Wrapping up: As I mentioned earlier, this blog is dedicated to all those outbound maniacs who are hustling every day. The goal is to help this community grow more.
I hope you like my first blog post. If you have any suggestions and tips to help this blog grow, please comment below.
Outbound Joke of the day – “Outbound is a SPAM!!”
If you want to post hate and derogatory comments, please go somewhere else. I reserve the right to delete snarky comments, offensive or off-topic.

Hi Yogi,
Congratulations on the launch of a wonderful blog. It was a pleasure interviewing you and learning more about how you make it happen day after day. Thanks for being a leader and great friend.
Wishing you nothing but success and blessings to come.