If you are doing outbound and running short of emails, there is always a way to find more leads. You just have to think outside the box.
Here’s how you can find some extra leads on LinkedIn for the domain you are trying to sell.
For example, if your domain name is PittsburghInsurance
Go to LinkedIn and type “Insurance” on the search field, and click on people.

Now click on Locations and type “Pittsburgh” click on show results; by using this filter, you’ll be able to find individuals from that specific location working in the insurance sector.

You can also do a thorough search by clicking on “all filters” and selecting the industry as “insurance.” If you like to narrow down your prospects based on the position they held, you can enter “president” and find the decision-makers on the title field.

How To Get Emails?
I use snov.io to scrape emails. Click on the snov chrome extension, and you can either download the emails page by page or you can select page numbers 1-10 and download them all. This will help you save a lot of time.

Make sure at your snov.io account you create a new prospect list so you can track them down easily
Another way by which you can generate more leads and potentially sell your domain on LinkedIn is by Joining a Linkedin Group.
Go to LinkedIn and type your domain keyword on the search field and click on “Group.” Find a group relevant to your domain and join.
Now before you join such groups, make sure you update your LinkedIn profile & write down the domain name you are selling in your bio.

Once your request gets approved, you need to first engage, like, and comment on other posts and engage in a conversation.
Don’t blast everyone by sending a DM regarding your domain name. It’s all about building a relationship. By sharing your expertise, participating in conversations, and being a reliable source of information within the Group, you’ll have the opportunity to build valuable relationships to help you do some business.
If they like the information you are sharing, they will look at your profile, and that’s how you give yourself a fair chance of selling your domain name.
Make that connection. Once you’ve been interacting with someone in that group and built up some familiarity, send them an invitation to connect on LinkedIn. Make sure you let them know why you want to connect, and always use add a note feature to write a short message about why you want to connect.

Get out there, begin by joining a few groups relevant to your domain name and see what relationships you can build by engaging with the right audience.
Do share it on your social media if you find this helpful.
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