Free Email Address Or A Custom Email Address?

Gmail, yahoo email addresses are free. Anybody can create an account with them instantly and start using it as per their personal or even business needs. Whereas using a custom domain email can cost you little money.

When I started selling domains via outbound, I started with a free Gmail address, just like most beginners. It was easy to set up and cost nothing. I did end up selling some domains by using my Gmail address, but in the back of my mind, I always knew that selling domains is a B2B model, and to build more credibility with my prospects, I have to have the business email address.

Later on, I started using a custom domain email address, which really helped me improve my reply and conversion rate. Also, my potential buyers were small-mid businesses. They all use professional email addresses, so reaching out to them via a Gmail address won’t help with a better business image either.

I have seen that most newbies start their outbound campaign using a free email address, and that’s okay if you are just testing it out, but IMO, free email accounts ending with @yahoo @gmail @aol make you look less professional and don’t help to build a trust factor with your prospects.

If you really want to make the most out of your outreach, then setting up a custom email address is highly recommended. A CEO or CMO of a company would be more tempted to reply to an email that ends with name@businessname rather than the @gmail email address.

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Outbound is not easy, and building credibility and trust should always be your top priority; most prospects won’t engage with you unless they verify you are a professional and have a good online presence.

A couple of important things to note before running an outbound campaign on the professional email address:

1- Email warm-up Your business domain email address needs to be well warmed up before launching an outbound campaign. Email warming helps build a good email reputation and increases your sending limits.

Manually warming up can be a real pain, so you can use Gmass automate warm-up tool. It is a free tool to warm up your email account and ensure high deliverability. Let it run for at least 5-8 weeks, and you’ll be good to go.

This works pretty well if you are using Gsuite. Connect your domain name with Gsuite, create an email address and visit and sign in with your Google(gsuite) account.

2- Avoid using generic email addresses like info@businessname support@businessname. Use your real name; it looks more trustworthy and helps you promote your own brand.

That’s it for now. I hope it helps.


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Yogi Solanki
Yogi Solanki is a domain consultant. Buying & Selling domains are his passion. He has helped many small-large businesses globally, upgrading their domain name for better online credibility and authority.

1 thought on “Free Email Address Or A Custom Email Address?”

  1. Such a nice write up, I really love your detailed explanation, I’m just new to the business, please guide me right.


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