A lack of response from the old leads doesn’t mean that the sale’s gone. If done correctly, you can still convert some of your dead leads.
To bring back the dead leads into life, you just need to reconnect. Let’s discuss how to re-engage with leads that went cold.
Here are some of the different strategies, email templates you can try to bring back the dead leads.
Strong CTA
Suppose you received a reply “how much “from a potential buyer, and you gave the price, but the buyer did not respond, and the first thought which comes to your mind is, “oh, they are not interested,” and you end up avoid following up.
But if you give a more profound thought, the buyer was interested; otherwise, he/she would not have asked you the price.
This is how my email looks like if someone doesn’t respond after knowing the price.
Hi (Name),
I’m sure you were interested in this domain (name); otherwise, you would not have asked for pricing, but I’ve not heard from you after I gave you my asking price.
Do you mind telling me why you didn’t reply?
Your Name
The only way to find out is by asking them a direct question; this follow-up email is short and up to a point; most importantly, I’m using a very strong CTA “why you didn’t reply? This CTA can compel the recipient to take action immediately.
Also, rather than me asking, “do you think the price is high?” in my follow up, I would have them say “price is high” so that I can use comparable sales data to educate them about the pricing.
Let’s try this again (subject line)
If someone asked how much and went cold or said not interested after knowing the asking price, you can use this subject line, “let’s try this again.”
This subject line is perfectly suited for those leads that are two-three months old and did not respond to the follow-ups.
Sharing a real sales example:




I reconnected with her again after 45 days and gave her a little “Christmas discount,” and end up selling that domain for a mid-XXX figure.
IMO, it’s important to offer some discount while approaching dead leads, and if you send the same email you sent earlier, I’m afraid it might not work.
Add Extra Value
Sometimes the prospects didn’t reply to your email because they might have forgotten about it, or they don’t have time, or they didn’t reply because your opening email simply didn’t catch their attention.
Follow-ups also give you an extra chance to spark your prospects’ interest by adding additional value. Instead of asking them to “buy now,” think, “What value am I offering to this person?”.
You could add some of these points to your follow up email:
- SV
Hi (Name),
In my last email, I completely forgot to mention the value this domain has.
As per Google, this keyword (name) has a monthly search volume of 300/month. Companies like you are paying $5 per click in advertising. By owning an exact match domain, you can potentially save thousands of dollars every month.
I hope this makes more sense now.
I’m looking forward to your reply, or you can call/text me on the number below.
Your Name
Trigger Email (Instant follow up)
If you are observing your prospect’s action well, you can capture their attention quickly.
Email tracking software like snov.io allows you to track when the recipient opens your email; you can pitch back to your prospects as soon as they read your email. It can be handy to get an instant reply.
Hi [Name],
I know this is a quick follow up, but I was wondering if you’ve given any thoughts about this domain (name).
I have a little spare time in my schedule right now, so if there are any more questions that you’d like me to answer about, I’d be more than happy to do so right away.
I’m waiting for your questions, send them my way!
Short Survey
A short survey email serves as an excellent gauge for why a prospect disengaged. Based on their reason, you can judge whether the lead is truly dead or if there’s an opportunity to re-engage.
Sharing a sample survey email:
Hi (Name),
I haven’t heard back from you about this (domain name). I’m afraid one of the three things is possible.
A – You are still interested but haven’t got time to get back to me yet. If this is the case, I’ll be happy to reconnect.
B – Not today, but remind me again within three months.
C – You are not interested, and I should stop bothering you.
Please let me know which one it is. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Your name
Based on their responses, you’ll be able to plan it further and reconnect with them again.
If somehow, you cannot connect with your prospects through email, take a different route, connect with them on Linkedin, Facebook, and try to engage in a conversation.
Wrapping up: I’m a firm believer in A/b testing, and I keep on testing different subject lines, email templates because the test allows you to tweak part of the email to test which version works best. You can then analyze the results and see which generates more opens and conversions.
Your email list must be laser-targeted, and always make sure you are approaching potential buyers. Sending mails to an irrelevant prospect brings no leads, and such leads will remain dead no matter what you do.
Real money is in follow-up: It doesn’t mean that you have to follow up every hour or every single day to get a response from your prospects; from what I’ve learned, sending 3-4 follow up is the most optimal. My advice to you is that enough is as good as a feast. I’ll be sharing more follow up strategies in my future post.
Important: Always use the easy opt-out option in your email. If someone asks you to remove them from your list, make sure you honor the request.
Outbound joke of the day: That feeling:🤣

Namaste 🙏
If you want to post hate and derogatory comments, please go somewhere else. I reserve the right to delete snarky comments, offensive or off-topic.

What if someone Give you an offer and you counter his offer
Let’s say he offers 150 and you counter it for 300 and go deep, how to act in a situation like this?